A Word from the Provost

14 April 2020

Dear Members,

Worldwide, without borders, our lives are shaken, in danger, as are the human values with which we composed those lives.

For all of us, professionals and members of the milk producing sector, be it as farmers, herdsmen, refiners, cheese makers, cooperators, sales persons or in distribution, without distinction of continent or activity, we will need a lot of perspiration, of labour, of intelligence and even some luck to get over this pandemic.

It is thanks to milk that we have existed since the dawn of time, and milk, an extraordinary complete food, which has allowed the development of the human race, and for epochs, its survival.

It is not by chance that our founders, 50 years ago, chose the word « Guild » to bring us together, using as a reference the first Guilds which were communities of craftsmen, working with the principal of the co-operative movement. Emerging in the XII century, they were founded on solidarity, justice and assistance for a brother in difficulty, as it was at times like that, when the real meaning of values became evident.

Your guild of cheese makers is a mosaic of competences which carries us and will continue carrying the values with which we stay together.

The Provost and I join in this surge of brotherly friendship.

Roland Barthélemy

World Championship Cheese Contest – Madison 2020 – Photo album

13 April 2020

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Profession Fromager N° 91

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