Le Herve by Fabienne Effertz

8 October 2012

« Le Herve, Bien plus qu’un fromage » by Fabienne Effertz

The Guild recommends Fabienne Effertz French Belgian book, « Le Herve, bien plus qu’un fromage ».

Le Herve is much more than a comprehensive book on the Herve cheese, both gastronomic and cultural heritage and the only Belgian cheese to benefit from the Appellation
of Protected Origins (AOP in Belgium).

It is illustrated with many photographs: landscapes of the four seasons, portraits of actors, cheese processing, recipes…

You can find this book by following this link: http://www.guildedesfromagers.fr/shop/en/22-le-herve-bien-plus-qu-un-fromage.html

Photos from Chapter in Switzerland

4 October 2012

Photos from Switzerland Chapter are in the gallery.

Some photos from Raleigh

27 August 2012

Here are some pictures from Raleigh Chapter.

The photos of the Chapter in Nancy

2 August 2012
Nancy 2012

Nancy 2012

Photos from Nancy Chapter are in the gallery.

Chapter in Germany: Photo Album

17 July 2012

Saturday 16 and Sunday, June 17, 2012 a Chapter was held in Bavaria (Germany) in Bad Tolz and Munich.

Hotel Blauer Bock

Back to this event by browsing the photo albums:

First part

Second part

Third part

Fourth part

Fifth part

Sixth part

Seventh part