Video Mondial du Fromage 2015

20 July 2015

Click thumbnailbelow tolaunch the video.

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488th Induction Chapter, Bra, Italy

10 July 2015

The Guilde Internationale des Fromagers, The Confraternita di San Lucio & Hervé Davoine its Ambassador invite you to the 488th Induction Chapter.

On saturday September 19th 2015 during the :




7:00pm Apetizer – informal welcome
7:30pm New members Induction Chapter
:00pm Walter Eynard restaurant Dinner

Saturday Septembre 19th:
From 7pm Rendez-vous to Restaurant W. Eynard – Hotel Restaurant Somaschi
Via Nostra Signora del Popolo, 9
Tel : 0172/488 482

Only 10 minutes from Bra city and exhibition center.

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Photo album Mondial du Fromage 2015

16 June 2015

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Chapitre Mondial du Fromage 2015 – Dernières inscriptions

22 May 2015

You can still register to Chapters 480 and 481st before June 2.

Program and subscription form – To be returned before June 2, 2015

Buffet dinner « Tourangeaux »: 60,00 € per attendee
Dinner with partners: 15,00 € per attendee

Payment by cash (only in Euros) allowed directly at the event desk.

Secured online payment

Proceed to online checkout

New embroidered Guild badge

18 May 2015

New product in Guilde Shop: New embroidered Guild badge.



New embroidered Guild badge


Click here to discover the new badge.