Raw milk cheese appreciation day

15 April 2016

Cathy Strange Interview

10 April 2016

[gview file= »https://www.guildedesfromagers.fr/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/cathy_strange.pdf »]

Chapter in Mainz

27 March 2016

[gview file= »https://www.guildedesfromagers.fr/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/KAPITELSITZUNG-MAINZ-2016.pdf »]

Download the registration form here.

501st Chapter – CIBUS2016

23 March 2016

The Guilde Internationale des Fromagers, The Confraternita di San Lucio & Hervé Davoine its Ambassador invite you to the 501st Induction Chapter

On Monday May 9th 2016
During the:



7:00pm Apetizer – informal welcome
7:30pm New members Induction Chapter
9:00pm «La Stazione» restaurant Dinner

resto train

MONDAY May 9th 2016
From 7pm Rendez-vous to
Ristorante da POLI “la Stazione”
Viale della Reppublica, 10
42024 Castelnovo di Sotto (RE)
Tel : 0522/683 168

Click here to download program.

Paiement en ligne sécurisé

Proceed to payment

Pictures of the 494th Chapter Paris Westin Vendôme

6 March 2016

[gview file= »https://www.guildedesfromagers.fr/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/494ème-Chapitre-Westin-Paris.28.02.2016-FR.pdf »]